If you are in need of an appointment letter format, then you have arrived at the right website. Today we are going to show you everything that you need to know that will help you write an appointment letter that is professional and makes a great impression.
An appointment letter refers to a formal document that is used to offer a specific position in an organization. Nonetheless, you are going to become a pro in writing appointment letters if you follow our guidelines.
What is an Appointment Letter Used For?
As previously mentioned, an appointment letter is an official document that basically offers a position to someone. Let’s say for example that your company is offering a job and the person that you are interviewing passes all tests with flying colors.
The final step of the hiring process is to provide the person with an appointment letter. Now that we have cleared this, let’s go ahead and see what are the rules to write a professional letter.
How to Write an Appointment Letter?
Writing an appointment letter might seem like a challenging task, especially if you don’t consider yourself great with words and want to make a great impression.
Here is where we come in. We are going to present the most important guidelines that you need to follow in order to write a professional appointment letter. Without any further ado, let’s get into it.
Appointment letter Format
#1 Congratulate the Employee
The first thing that you need to do in your appointment letter is to congratulate the employee for getting the job. This is an important moment in their lives and you want to make sure that the employee feels welcomed in your organization.
#2 Set the Terms
After congratulating the employee, the second paragraph should be used to express your expectations, conditions, and terms. This means that you will be telling the employee what he/she will be doing for your organization and the salary/compensation that they will receive in exchange for their time.
#3 Additional Information
What you should never forget to write in an appointment letter is additional information such as the title that the employee will receive. Not only that, but you also need to mention important information such as benefits plans rate of pay and other things that your organization provides.
#4 End with the Formalities
For the last step, most organizations choose to end with formalities such as doing background checks for what the employee placed in the CV (school, previous employment and so on).
Appointment Letter Samples
We know that coming up with ideas to write appointment letters can daunting and this is why we have rounded up the best appointment letter examples. You can modify each sample to fit your needs so that can save time. Check them out below.
#1 Sample
[Mr./Ms. Full name] [Title] [Employer Name] [Employer Address]
Dear [Mr./Ms. Name]
Congratulations! We are excited to offer you a full-time position as a <Position Name> at <Company Name>. Based on your experience, the interviews, and your portfolio, we look forward to seeing how you will take our company to the next level.
As per your conversation with us, we would like to offer you an annual compensation of <Amount>. Your anticipated date of joining will be <Date> at <Office Address>. Please find attached an updated copy of the job description to familiarize yourself with the job responsibilities and duties.
Your appointment is subjected to the accuracy of the documents and testimonials provided by you and you being free from any contractual restrictions preventing you to take up this opportunity.
As an employee of <Company name>, you will have access to our comprehensive benefits program, which includes approved vacation days, health insurance, HRA, and tuition fee reimbursement. Please find the attached details of the complete benefits we offer you. Kindly sign, scan, and email your letter to me at <email ID of the hiring manager>. Please contact me directly via phone or email in case of any questions or confusion.
Kindly send in your email me by <Date> and I will initiate the rest of your onboarding process.
Hiring Manager
Phone number
#2 Sample
Sally Mae
Brokeland, Idaho
Dear Sally,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected for the position of investment manager at Sunrise Investments! We had many qualified candidates, but you seemed to be the best fit for our growing organization!
Your job appointment will begin on Monday, July 1st at 8 am. You will receive a salary of $30,000 per annum, along with any possible bonuses. You will be given one month of paid leave per year, and will have the use of a company car!
We look forward to hearing back from you to accept this position!
Sunrise Investments
#3 Sample
Ms. Corleone
The Connecticut Board of Education hereby appoints you a member of the Audit Committee. As a Trustee member, your position can be held for up to 6 years and you are accountable to the Board of Education for reappointment each year based on performance.
If you complete the 3rd year you will then be reassessed alongside other potential candidates. If you are subsequently reappointed you may then serve another 3 years only.
As you are aware, the purpose of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Education in objectively assessing the performance of the organization and its management.
To that end, you will be required to spend between 20 to 30 hours annually in the role, excluding training or additional meetings.
This is an unpaid position, however, all expenses will be reimbursed.
We were impressed by your exemplary standing in the community, which was far greater than other candidates, and we look forward to you accepting this important role.
Singed, Director of Education