CV is incomplete without 7 Supplementary Materials – Resume Hacks

List of Supplementary items to attach with your CV

Academic job applications will have the following as supplementary materials in addition to their CV:

  1. The cover letter
  2. Dissertation Abstract
  3. Scholarly interests & statement of research
  4. The teaching interests
  5. Course lists and transcripts
  6. The References
  7. Language preferences

1.Cover letter

It should be a one paged cover letter, concise and straight to the point.  The cover letter should state the reason s why you are applying for the school or position, your interests and relevant education background. You should also indicate that you are appending a statement of interest, statement of research and CV.

Information in the appended documents should not be discussed in the cover letter, rather you should direct the recipient to where the information is found.  Do not use your home address and plain paper when writing a cover letter; instead, use your professional address and the department’s letterhead.

2. Dissertation Abstract

It is a summary of your wok indicating your contributions to a specific field and placed in a scholarly context. It should be comprehensive and scholarly enough such that it can easily interest the people familiar with your expertise area. It should be something that other faculties can read and familiarize themselves with it.  It should be one to two pages long and should be presented together with the CV.

3. Scholarly Interests and Statement of Research

Scientists are often supposed to provide a statement of research which should be two to four pages long stating the future, current, and past research interests. Here, you give your past and present lab skills, research techniques and outcomes. You can tell the reader about your future aspirations and how you plan to involve students in the work in the future research section.

4. Teaching Interests

In this section, you are supposed to show the reader our competent areas in which you can teach well. You should be sure to tell the reader what you can teach according to the requirements of an advertisement. Most people fail to bring out this during the application. It is okay to take the self-driven step and up your application game by stating your teaching interest.

5. Transcripts and course lists

If asked to submit the named documents, you should do as they are important. They may be your graduate transcripts and courses lists.

6. References

The reference names portray a lot of information to many readers and therefore important to place the most relevant and helpful referees as your reference. Applicants tend to place their reference at the end of their Curriculum Vitae. Three references are enough but you can have an addition if they add any significance to the related post.

Also, you should make sure that the referees are aware that they are listed in the CV as well as forward a copy of the CV to them. Their details should include their Full name, their title, contacts (email address and phone number) and the institution address.

7. Languages

Here, you are supposed to outline the knowledge level of your languages which should be categorized as native, Proficient, fluent or working language depending on your personal assessment. There are optional segments in a CV for an interview where if relevant, you can add them. Such include your travels and abroad studies, professional organization memberships and scholarly associations.


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